Is your school taking part in our Sunflower Challenge, why not get involved.
Sunflower sowing
- Feed with a balanced fertiliser once a week
- If you prefer many smaller flowers per stem instead of a large single flower, cut off the growing tip when the plant has reached 1m tall. This will encourage side shoots and branching stems to grow. Each branch will form a number of smaller flowers.
3. Your seedling should be able to hold itself upright. If it becomes too tall and floppy, you might need to move it to a sunnier space.
4. When your sunflower reaches 30-45cm in height, check if it needs a bigger pot or if it needs to be planted into the ground.
5. Support the stem as it gets taller by tying it to a cane.
6. Keep watering regularly.
The project is open to pupils currently in third class but anyone of primary school age can participate.
All you need to do to take part is to grow a sunflower and make sure that your school registers using the email address below to confirm that they are taking part in the challenge.
To enter, please take a photo of the pupil with their sunflower and send to Remember to tell us the name of the pupil, your schools name, the height of the sunflower and if Jervis Shopping Centre have permission to share the photo on our social media channels and other marketing activities.
The competition will run until Friday 14th June 2024. If you have any questions, please get in touch at