This Energy Policy Statement is to raise awareness on energy consumption and to reduce our environmental impact related to energy use. We aim to deliver on this commitment by:
- Working actively on an energy reduction programme promoting energy efficiency across all activities on site and defined in the system scope.
- Ensuring the energy policy is appropriate to the purpose of the organisation.
- Provides a framework for setting and reviewing objectives and energy targets.
- Identifying improved technologies and deploying them where practicable.
- Implementing a continual improvement programme on energy performance, energy efficiency and the overall EnMS. This programme will address the products, processes and other activities with the most significant energy usage.
- Developing energy conservation action plans and regularly assessing whether the objectives and targets are being achieved.
- Providing employees with the necessary awareness, education and training to implement this energy policy.
- Ensuring the availability of information and necessary resources to achieve objectives and energy targets.
- Complying with all relevant energy legislation, legal and other requirements, that relate to energy consumption, energy use and energy efficiency.
- Incorporating an energy efficiency evaluation dimension to the decision-making process relating to all future capital investments, facility upgrades and contracted services.
- Support the procurement of energy efficient products and services that impact energy performance.
- Support design activities that consider energy performance improvement.
This Energy Policy Statement has been communicated to all employees and is available to all interested parties and the general public.